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Friday, January 04, 2013

I Love Snail Mail !

My parents thought I was a complete nutter when I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to snap
a photo of this in Sydney,  even though our mail boxes look nothing like these!
Hello, hello again! Four blog posts in a row, I`m on a roll! I came home in the rain cold, frustrated and exhausted after three lectures, four textbook exchanges (I sold two text books and bought a text book, a lab guide and course notes) and a near two hour commute home to find mail on my desk! Mum usually leaves an herbal drink and any mail I`ve received on my desk for me to discover when I get home. It is the perfect way to cheer me up at the end of my day :)

Today she left me a cup of loh han gou to soothe my throat, some important mail (me being the secretary for mail in the family), a package (one of two that I ordered back in early December and am still waiting for) and a personal letter. The package is a new wallet that I purchased off eBay in early-December. I am happy to report that it looks just like it did in the photographs advertising it online, the colour (a hot pink) isn`t as off as I feared it might be (hot pink can easily go very very wrong), and it is the perfect size for all my cards. My friends know very well that I carry too, too many cards with me at all times. It actually holds all of them along with the stamp cards and coupons that I usually have on me too!

I was super excited to find that the remaining letter was a Christmas card that found its way to me (and my family) late from my aunt and uncle in Melbourne, Australia. My silly aunt actually wrote the address wrong (off by one letter), so this might account for why I`m reading it now instead of a week ago hehe. I am happy to hear that they are taking time off to go to Gold Coast (see my post here about my visit to Gold Coast, Australia) and Brisbane. How I wonder what the weather must be like over on the other side of the planet right now, if the weather was so warm during the winter.

The thing about me is, I really love receiving snail mail: There`s a very personal quality to them if only because it takes time to write (or put together, if it`s a package) and a trip to the mail box or post office to mail it across the world. I keep all the cards and letters that I receive and in the future I hope to keep a pen pal or two. I remember being asked whether receiving a letter or receiving an email has a personal quality to it. I find emails very formal, and I spend much time writing emails professionally. The fact that a letter or card tends to be handwritten makes that much difference... I need to write a card or letter back to my aunt and uncle, haha just in time to say Happy Chinese New Year :) 

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