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Monday, January 28, 2013

Girls Night Brunch Night & Fondue For 4 !

Yes. That is a bowl of shredded cheese in the middle & I overfilled my omelette so I couldn`t fold it...
Last weekend the girls had a long awaited brunch night at J`s (I know we`re at the end of this weekend, but this week has been really nuts so this post is very, very late)! With our conflicting schedules, we had been talking about having a girls night for months, and within those months of discussion, a decision to have brunch for dinner and fondue for dessert was made and so... A magical night of delicious food was prepared last weekend along with lots and lots of girl chatter on a Saturday night that lasted until one in the morning on Sunday! We really need to make more time for nights like these...

We had bacon, omelettes (filled with red, yellow and green bell peppers, mushrooms, cheddar mozzarella blend/marble cheese and tomatoes) and chocolate chip waffles for our "main course." V brought over some ice wine to go with our meal (And it turns out I was the only fan of it in the end, but it wasn`t the best ice wine I`d ever had so maybe that explains it..) because she needed the bottle for a project. For most of the prep work I bow down to J, V and Y for cutting and washing all the fruits and veggies as well as making the waffle batter, therefore allowing me to study for my midterm (The midterm went really well, if I haven`t already had a chance to tell you guys!). To repay them, I had some fun of my own making the omelettes as V and Y had some adventures with the waffle maker and J made the best part of the night... the bacon! Suffice to say, everything was delicious!

We all took turns accidentally dunking our fruits, oops...
Some time during the prep work, we decided to make enough batter to make crepes as well... So as a break from food, J and I had more adventures making thin crepes for fondue while V and Y melted chocolate in the mini Crockpot. This was going pretty successfully until Y created a little nimbus cloud with the batter, hehe ;)

Fondue as always, is really filling after a few bites whether you do cheese or chocolate fondue. The chocolate taste was almost overwhelming to me after just a few slices of bananas dipped in. So I crushed one of these really cute Teddy Grahams (I`m so sorry..) and dipped a banana in chocolate, then into the graham bits and it was perfect. It was great for dessert. My first time confessing this on my blog: I don`t like strawberries *prepares to be screamed at* and barely touched the frozen mangoes. That was hilarious, the chocolate froze on the mango before it even reached your mouth. Still, I had a lot of fun and everything I had was sccrumptiouuusss! Thank you J, V and Y (oh and L for the ride home & sort of T too for saying hello) for a lovely night that we must repeat soon. Although maybe cut back on the amount of food!

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